S. No. Name Designation
1 Brig (R.) Sadiq Jamali Chairman
2 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro A Judge of the High Court of the Sindh nominated by the Chief Justice
3 Prof Dr. Muhammad Aslam Uqaili Member BOG ,Nominee of the Secretary ,Education Nominee of the HEC
4 Ms. Shehla Quershi Member BOG
5 Mr. Shamim Arif Firpo Nominee of the KCCI
6 Senator Abdul Haseeb Khan Member BOG
7 Mr. Rashid Alam Member BOG
8 Dr. Zainab Taiyyeba alias Huma Bukhari Rector
9 Mr. Muhammad Islam Director QEC
9 Ms. Farhat Zehra Registrary
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